- Embracing new opportunities in numerical linear algebra
Pengwen Chen, Matthrew LinPotential speakers
- Eric King-wah Chu, TBA
- Akira Imakura, Deflation techniques for matrix function calculations based on double exponential-type numerical integral formula
- Chiu-Yen Kao, TBA
- Matthew M. Lin, A gradient flow method to differentiate between classical and quantum correlations
- Shinya Miyajima, TBA
- Haesun Park, Integrative co-embedding of multi-view data sets
- Li-Gang (Charles) Lin, Fast SDDRE-based maneuvering-target interception at pre-specified orientation
- Combinatorial matrix theory
Aida Abiad, Shaun Fallat, Michael TaitPotential speakers
- Jane Breen, Kemeny's constant and the impact of a single transition
- Richard Brualdi, (Reverse-)Grassmannian permutation matrices
- Himanshu Gupta, Minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of Johnson and Hamming graphs
- Carlos Hoppen, Spectral community detection in geometric random graphs
- Zilin Jiang, Beyond the classification theorem of Cameron, Goethals, Seidel and Shult
- Emanuel Juliano, Spectral upper bounds for the Grundy number of a graph
- Steve Kirkland, Combinatorial matrix theory and control of epidemic outbreaks
- Shahla Nasserasr, The strong spectral property of graph-associated matrices
- Rachel Quinlan, Idempotent alternating sign matrices
- Helena Šmigoc, Characteristic polynomials of structured nonnegative matrices
- Kevin Vander Meulen, Sign patterns that allow or require a nonderogatory matrix
- Wei Wang, Some recent results on the generalized spectral characterizations of graphs
- Matrix inequalities with applications
D. S. Cvetković Ilić, Qing-Wen Wang, Yang ZhangPotential speakers
- Pattrawut Chansagiam, Integral inequalities of Kantorovich and Fiedler types for Hadamard products of matrices
- Shigeru Furuichi, Inequalities on spectral geometric mean and application for relative entropy
- Rute Lemos, $J$-selfadoint matrix means and their indefinite inequalities
- Zhongshan Jason Li, Orthogonal similarity via transversal intersection of manifolds
- Hiroyuki Osaka, On characterization of the monotonicity of functions on $(0, \infty)$ by inequalities
- Linear algebra methods for inverse problems and data assimilation
Julianne Chung, Arvind K. SaibabaPotential speakers
- Davide Bianchi, A data-dependent regularization method based on the graph Laplacian
- Jonas Bresch, Matrix-free stochastic calculation of operator norms without using adjoints
- Daniela Calvetti, The linear algebra of space-time regularization for time-dependent distributed inverse problems
- Matthias Chung, Data-driven inverse problems via autoencoder
- Tiangang Cui, Tensor-train methods for sequential state and parameter estimation in state-space models
- Roberto Diaz Martinez, On the inverse eigenvalue problem of a graph
- Srinivas Eswar, Exchange algorithms for optimal experimental design
- Colin Fox, Iterative samplers
- Mirjeta Pasha, Efficient dynamic image reconstruction with motion estimation
- Vishwas Rao, Efficient randomization techniques for data assimilation
- Fred Roosta, Numerical linear algebra and optimization: the interplay between inner and outer iterations
- Arvind K. Saibaba, Efficient methods for hyperparameter estimation in Bayesian inverse problems
- Advances in matrix equations: Theory, computations, and applications
Andrii Dmytryshyn, Davide PalittaPotential speakers
- Roberto Canogar, New results on the matrix equation $X^*AX = I$, or how much of sesquilinear form is positive definite?
- Fernando De Teran, The uniqueness of solution of systems of generalized Sylvester and $\star$-Sylvester equations
- Massimiliano Fasi, Mixed-precision algorithms for the Sylvester matrix equation
- Xianming Gu, On $\tau$-preconditioners for a quasi-compact difference scheme to Riesz fractional diffusion equations with variable coefficients
- Bruno Iannazzo, The Lambert $W$, the Wright $\omega$ and the unwinding number of matrices
- Rudra Kamat, Simultaneous symplectic reduction of quadratic forms into normal forms
- Patrick Kürschner, Extrapolation for iterative solvers for matrix equations
- Beatrice Meini, A combination of cyclic reduction and shift-and-deflate techniques for solving quadratic matrix equations
- Davide Palitta, A subspace-conjugate gradient method for linear matrix equations
- Steffen W. R. Werner, Efficiently solving nonstandard Riccati equations via indefinite factorizations
- Model reduction
Christopher Beattie, Zlatko DrmaćPotential speakers
- Christopher Beattie, Data based reduced order modeling for port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems
- Nicolas Boullé, Multiplicative dynamic mode decomposition
- Saifon Chatarantabut, Nonlinear model reduction using machine learning on Grassmann manifolds
- Eric de Sturler, Model reduction techniques for dynamic and streaming-type inverse problems
- Zlatko Drmač, Koopman mode decomposition for nonlinear model reduction
- Ionut Farcas, Distributed computing for physics-based data-driven reduced modeling at scale
- Riccardo Morandin, Structure-preserving model order reduction of linear time-varying port-Hamiltonian systems
- Sam Otto, Identifying and estimating dynamical covariance matrices with hierarchical rank structure
- Elizabeth Qian, The fundamental subspaces of Ensemble Kalman Inversion
- Zoran Tomljanovic, Efficient solution of sequences of parametrized Lyapunov equations with applications
- Steffen Werner, Reduced-order modeling of mechanical systems via structured barycentric forms
- Ralf Zimmerman, On the errors associated with manifold interpolation for model reduction applications
- Linear algebra and quantum information science
Hao-Wei Huang, Ray-Kuang LeePotential speakers
- Tensor and quantum information science
Shmuel Friedland, Chi-Kwong LiPotential speakers
- Lieven De Lathauwer, TBA
- Michal Eckstein, TBA
- Shmuel Friedland, TBA
- Gilad Gour, TBA
- Pawel Horodecki, TBA
- Sooyeong Kim, TBA
- Chi-Kwong Li, TBA
- Lek-Heng Lim, TBA
- Tomasz Miller, TBA
- Jiawang Nie, TBA
- Shakir Showkat Sofi, Tensor train completion of multiway data observed in a single mode
- Raymond Sze, TBA
- Jeroen Zuiddam, TBA
- Karol Życzkowski, TBA
- Total positivity
Projesh Nath Choudhury, Apoorva KharePotential speakers
- Sujit Sakharam Damase, TBA
- Jorge Delgado Gracia, TBA
- Shaun Fallat, TBA
- Tanvi Jain, TBA
- Dmitrii Karp, TBA
- Olga Katkova, TBA
- Apoorva Khare, TBA
- Anna Vishnyakova, TBA
- Prateek Kumar Vishwakarma, TBA
- Shivangi Yadav, TBA
- Matrix means and related topics
Trung Hoa Dinh, Sejong Kim, Tin-Yau TamPotential speakers
- Hayoung Choi, Geometric mean of T-positive definite tensors
- Trung Hoa Dinh, Operator means and quantum divergences
- Huajun Huang, Progress of near orders on matrix means
- Knut Hüper, Geometric means on weakly symmetric spaces and their computation
- Sejong Kim, In-betweenness and Heinz mean type inequalities
- Luís Machado, Spherical triangle configurations with invariant geometric mean
- Milán Mosonyi, Applications of matrix geometric means to quantum hypothesis testing
- Miklós Pálfia, Law of large numbers for generalized operator means
- Hiroyuki Osaka, The stability properties under operator means
- Tin-Yau Tam, Geometric inequalities for matrix means
- Trung Dung Vuong, On new spectral geometric mean and related problems
- Takeaki Yamazaki, Stability of AN-operators under functional calculus
- Structured matrix computations and its applications
Tsung-Ming Huang, Yueh-Cheng Kuo, Wen-Wei LinPotential speakers
- Chun-Yueh Chiang, TBA
- Hung-Yuan Fan, Inheritance properties of conjugate discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations
- Yung-Ta Li, TBA
- Ching-Sung Liu, TBA
- Xing-Long Lyu, TBA
- Juntao Sun, TBA
- Zhong-Heng Tan, TBA
- Yiqian Wang, TBA
- Chin-Tien Wu, TBA
- Shuo Zhang, TBA
- Preserver problems, I
Lajos Molnár, Ming-Cheng Tsai, Ngai-Ching WongPotential speakers
- Osamu Hatori, A spectral property of a uniformly bounded operator
- Takeshi Miura, Surjective isometries on Banach spaces with derivatives
- Lajos Molnár, Relative entropy preserving maps on positive cones in operator algebras
- Michiya Mori, On the Scottish Book Problem 155 by Mazur and Sternbach
- Shiho Oi, Periodic surjective isometries on Banach algebras
- Antonio Peralta, TBA
- Ed Poon, Linear preservers of parallel pairs
- Saikat Roy, Preservation of orthogonality by unitary and isometric dilations
- Peter Šemrl, Local order isomorphisms on operator and matrix domains
- Ryotaro Tanaka, On homeomorphisms between geometric structure spaces of primitive $C^*$-algebras
- Dániel Virosztek, Isometries and metric properties of quantum Wasserstein distances
- Advances in QR factorizations
Sivan ToledoPotential speakers
- Takeshi Fukaya, A Cholesky QR type algorithm for computing tall-skinny QR factorization with column pivoting
- Mark Gates, PAQR: Pivoting avoiding QR factorization
- Daniel B. Szyld, Analysis of randomized Householder-Cholesky QR Factorization with Multisketching
- Sivan Toledo, Parallel-in-time Kalman smoothing using a QR factorization and selective inversion
- Pencils, polynomial, and rational matrices
Froilán Dopico, Vanni Noferini, Alicia RocaPotential speakers
- Shreemayee Bora, The distance to bounded realness revisited
- Andrii Dmytryshyn, Minimal indices through perturbation behavior
- Froilán Dopico, Polynomial and rational matrices with the invariant rational functions and the four sequences of minimal indices prescribed
- Miryam Gnazzo, Stable extraction of eigenpairs from a subspace for generalized eigenvalue problems
- Antti Hannukainen, Solution of multiparametric eigenproblems arising from finite element analysis
- Ding Lu, Compositional optimization of Rayleigh quotients and related distance problems for matrix polynomials
- Steven Mackey, Sign characteristic in the inverse problem for Hermitian matrix polynomials
- Vanni Noferini, Invertible bases and root vectors for analytic matrix-valued functions
- Lauri Nyman, Distance to stability for matrix pencils
- Javier Pérez, Error analysis of compact Arnoldi methods for linearized polynomial eigenvalue problems
- Alicia Roca, Row completion of rational matrices and partial prescription of structural data
- Punit Sharma, Eigenvalue backward errors of Rosenbrock systems
- Graphs and their eigenvalues: Celebrating the work of Fan Chung Graham
Mark KemptonPotential speakers
- Wei-Chia Chen, TBA
- Josh Cooper, TBA
- Himanshu Gupta, TBA
- Kristin Heysse, TBA
- Mark Kempton, Norhaus-Gaddum type problems for graph spectra
- Franklin Kenter, TBA
- Kate Lorenzen, TBA
- Lavanya Selvaganesh, TBA
- Michael Tait, TBA
- Approximations and errors in Krylov-based solvers
Xin Liu, Bastien VieubléPotential speakers
- Tomohiro Sogabe, Matrix function computations using the double exponential formulas
- Eda Oktay, Mixed precision parallel operations for tensor train arithmetic
- Weiguo Gao, An optimal error bound for shifted CholeskyQR3 in oblique inner product
- Yuxin Ma, Backward stability of sketched GMRES
- Zhao Li, Study on a mixed-precision AMG preconditioning method for heterogeneous architectures
- Alexis Montoison, MinAres and CAr: New Krylov methods for symmetric linear systems
- Xiaobo Liu, Generalizing reduced rank extrapolation to low-rank matrix sequences
- Martina Iannacito, A subspace-conjugate gradient method for linear matrix equations
- Oleg Balabanov, Preconditioning linear systems via low-precision randomized range deflation
- Bastien Vieublé, Mixed precision preconditioning strategies for GMRES
- Graphs and matrices in honor of Leslie Hogben's retirement
Minerva Catral, Mary FlaggPotential speakers
- Aida Abiad, Recent developments of switching methods for the construction of cospectral graphs
- Louis Deaett, TBA
- Shaun Fallat, Leslie’s influence on recent advances on the inverse eigenvalue problem for a graph
- Mary Flagg, Reconfiguration: Zero forcing parameters and beyond
- Tracy Hall, Minimum degree and minimum rank
- Franklin Kenter, TBA
- Anzila Laikhuram, Inverse eigenvalue problems for discrete Schrödinger operators of a graph
- Jephian C.-H. Lin, Inverse eigenvalue problem for a graph: A strong community
- Michael Tait, Extremal eigenvalue problems on the normalized distance Laplacian
- Derek Young, Minimum rank and zero forcing parameters for cobipartite graphs
- New methods in numerical multilinear algebra
Xiaobo Liu, Anna Ma, Elizabeth Newman, Eda OktayPotential speakers
- Maolin Che, Efficient algorithms for Tucker decomposition via approximate matrix multiplication
- Longxiu Huang, Three-dimensional signal processing: Dynamical sampling via tensor products
- Joe Kileel, New approach to streaming data tensors
- Gilad Lerman, A novel outlier-robust PCA method with applications to computer vision
- Hanyu Li, Double-Tucker decomposition
- Anna Ma, Stochastic iterative methods for solving tensor linear systems
- Elizabeth Newman, Optimal matrix-mimetic tensor algebras
- Jing Niu, A tensor Alternating Anderson-Richardson method for solving multilinear systems with $\mathcal{M}$-tensors
- Junjun Pan, Multi-separable tensor decomposition
- Jingmei Qiu, Adaptive tensor cross approximation
- Leonardo Robol, A multilinear Nyström algorithm for low-rank approximation of tensors in Tucker format
- Explicit and hidden asymptotic structures, GLT Analysis, and applications
Sven-Erik Ekström, David MeadonPotential speakers
- Antonio Cicone, Signal processing of spherical data. From real life to mathematical challenges
- Sven-Erik Ekström, The spectrum of Toeplitz matrices with two non-zero off-diagonals
- Dario Giandinoto, Banded block Toeplitz matrices with real asymptotic spectrum
- Asim Ilyas, GLT analysis and efficient regularing reconstruction for Inverse source problems in generalized diffusion equations
- Muhammad Faisal Khan, Matrix-sequences of geometric means in the case of hidden (asymptotic) structures
- Valerio Loi, Spectral analysis, approximation, and preconditioning for block structured matrix-sequences
- David Meadon, Trace approximation using GLT theory and the matrix-less method
- Stefano Serra-Capizzano, GLT analysis and beyond
- Boris Shapiro, TBA
- Rosita Luisa Sormani, GLT-based numerical solvers for fractional equations
- Manifold learning and statistical applications
Chih-Wei Chen, ShengLi TzengPotential speakers
- Chih-Wei Chen, TBA
- Guangliang Chen, TBA
- Szu-Chi Chung, TBA
- Hsin-Hsiung Bill Huang, TBA
- Shih-Hao Huang, TBA
- Terence Huang, TBA
- ShengLi Tzeng, TBA
- Shao-Hsuan Wang, TBA
- Szu-Han Lin, TBA
- Sing-Yuan Yeh, TBA
- Linear algebra techniques in graph theory
Milica Anđelić, Zhibin DuPotential speakers
- Milica Anđelić, Laplacian eigenvalues of weighted threshold graphs
- Enide Andrade, Doubly stochastic matrices and graphs
- Anirban Banerjee, Spectral study of hypergraphs using linear operators
- Sasmita Barik, Limit points of the smallest positive eigenvalues of graphs
- Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat, On the trace norm of $A_\alpha$ matrix of directed graphs
- Projesh Nath Choudhury, Distance matrices of trees: Invariants and in a unified framework
- Joshua Cooper, Eigenvalues of Steiner distance hypermatrices
- Zhibin Du, Asymptotic normality criteria of coefficients of a polynomial and their applications in graph polynomials
- Susana Furtado, Recent developments on efficient vectors for pairwise comparison matrices
- Hongying Lin, Improved lower bound on the energy of line graphs
- Chen Ouyang, Multi-agent formation control, gain graph theory and weighted directed graph theory
- Shariefuddin Pirzada, On the sum of largest eigenvalues of the distance Laplacian matrix of graphs
- Krishnan Sivasubramanian, The $2$-Steiner distance matrix of a tree
- Linear algebra applications in computational geometry
Marco Sutti, Mei-Heng YuehPotential speakers
- Gary Pui Tung Choi, TBA
- Shu-Yung Liu, TBA
- Ronald Lok Ming Lui, TBA
- Marco Sutti, TBA
- Mei-Heng Yueh, TBA
- Advances in Krylov subspace methods and their applications
Michele Rinelli, Igor SimunecPotential speakers
- Benjamin Carrel, Low-rank exponential integrators leveraged by rational Krylov techniques
- Fabio Durastante, Krylov: Better, faster, parallel
- Amin Faghih, Krylov subspaces and Sobolev functions
- Francesco Hrobat, Lanczos with compression for symmetric Lyapunov equations
- Yuwen Li, Reduced Krylov basis methods for parametric PDEs
- Stefano Massei, An error formula for block rational Krylov approximation of matrix functions
- Mariarosa Mazza, Rational approximations of fractional power operators applied to preconditioning
- Stefano Pozza, Krylov subspace methods and the $\star$-algebra
- Michele Rinelli, Krylov techniques for estimating spectral gaps of sparse symmetric matrices
- Nian Shao, Lanczos with compression for symmetric eigenvalue problems
- Igor Simunec, A low-memory Lanczos method with rational Krylov compression
- Raf Vandebril, On matrix polynomials and block Krylov
- Nonnegative and related families of matrices
Raphael Loewy, Julio MoroPotential speakers
- Geir Dahl, Near-derangements and their polytopes
- Jürgen Garloff, Variation diminution under uncertainty
- Priyanks Joshi, Arbitrarily finely divisible matrices
- Ana Julio, About the persymmetric nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problem in low dimension
- Raphael Loewy, On the structure of the cone of polynomials preserving nonnegative matrices
- C. Marijuán, Diagonalizably realizable implies universally realizable
- H. Monterde, Perfect state transfer between nonnegative real pure states
- M. Pisonero, The nonnnegative inverse eigenvalue problem and positive realizations
- K. C. Sivakumar, Inverse $Z$-matrices and bidiagonal south-west matrices
- Enumerative/algebraic combinatorics and matrices
Yen-Jen Cheng, Sen-Peng Eu, Yuan-Hsun LoPotential speakers
- Lei Cao, $123$-avoiding and $123$-forcing matrices
- Yen-Jen Cheng, TBA
- Sen-Peng Eu, Combinatorial proof of determinant of Petrie matrix
- Tien-Xiao He, High-order Eulerian numbers and matrices
- Yuan-Hsun Lo, On shift-full-rank matrices
- Xiao-Nan Lu, Ternary circulant almost orthogonal arrays with (near) $D$-optimality and good binary sequence pairs
- Harry Richman, Tree distance matrices and their minors
- Lavanya Selvaganesh, TBA
- Shen-Fu Tsai, Extremal and saturation function of multidimensional $0$-$1$ matrices
- Chi Ho Yuen, TBA
- Utilizing structure to achieve low-complexity algorithms for data science, engineering, and physics
Sirani M. Perera, Natalia BebianoPotential speakers
- Hansaka Aluvihare, A low-complexity LSTM network to realize multibeam beamforming
- Natalia Bebiano, Revisiting an inverse problem proposed by Boor and Golub
- Paola Boito, Decay bounds for inverses of banded matrices via quasiseparable structure
- Luca Gemignani, Some numerical methods for nonlocal boundary value problems
- Kshitij Khare, Fast computation for high-dimensional Bayesian dynamic factor models
- Ilias Kotsireas, A low-complexity Algorithm for generating Legendre pairs using linear algebra approaches
- Xianqi Li, Conditional denoising diffusion model-based robust MR image reconstruction from highly undersampled data
- Sirani M. Perera, A low-complexity operator learning for dynamical systems
- Mikhail Tyaglov, A generalization of the Hermite-Biehler theorem and its applications to tridiagonal matrices
- Aaron Welters, Structural constraints and Bessmertnyi realizations for response matrices of two-element-kind networks
- Linear algebra education
Rachel Quinlan, Sepideh StewartPotential speakers
- Jane Breen, TBA
- Fernando De Teran Vergara, TBA
- Jephian C.-H. Lin, TBA
- Steve Mackey, TBA
- Mike Michailidis, TBA
- Rachel Quinlan, TBA
- Helena Šmigoc, TBA
- Sepideh Stewart, TBA
- Frank Uhlig, TBA
- From matrix theory to Euclidean Jordan algebras, FTvN systems, and beyond
Juyoung Jeong, David SossaPotential speakers
- M. Seetharama Gowda, Commutativity concepts relative to transformation/matrix groups and semi-FTvN systems
- Juyoung Jeong, Bounds on the eigenvalues of Jordan products
- Michael Orlitzky, Jordan and isometric cone automorphisms in Euclidean Jordan algebras
- David Sossa, Analysis of optimization problems on eigenvalue orbits in Euclidean Jordan algebras
- Matrix functions and related topics
Yuki Seo, Takeaki YamazakiPotential speakers
- Fumio Hiai, Joint concavity/convexity of matrix trace functions for geometric type means
- Masatoshi Ito, The weighted power difference mean and its generalization
- Kenta Kojin, An introduction to noncommutative function theory
- Jie Meng, Convergence properties of sequences related to the Ando-Li-Mathias construction and to the weighted Cheap mean
- Hiromichi Ohno, Generalization of Böttcher-Wenzel inequality and its application
- Takashi Sano, Convex matrix functions
- Yuki Seo, Matrix trace inequalities related to quantum Tsallis relative entropies
- Pengpeng Xie, Computing the dual matrix exponential
- Bohemian matrices: Theory, applications, and explorations
Eunice Y. S. Chan, Robert M. CorlessPotential speakers
- Eunice Y. S. Chan, Numerical stability of algebraic linearizations
- Robert M. Corless, The maximum spread of small Bohemian matrices
- Laureano Gonzalez-Vega, Bohemian correlation matrices
- Jamie Pommersheim, More on eigenvalue gaps of integer matrices
- Kate Stange, Algebraic starscapes and Bohemian matrices
- Matrix decompositions and applications
Kennett Dela Rosa, Daryl Granario, Hermie MonterdePotential speakers
- JD Botha, TBA
- Jonathan Caalim, TBA
- Angelo Galimba, TBA
- Ivan Gargate, TBA
- Michael Gargate, TBA
- Xin Hou, TBA
- Paolo Joven, Products of skew involutions
- Jenny Salinasan, The $\phi_S$ polar decomposition when $S$ is skew-symmetric
- Dennis Merino, TBA
- Eloise Misa, The algebra generated by nilpotent elements in a matrix centralizer
- Clement de Seguins Pazzis, TBA
- Juan Paolo Santos, On commutators of unipotent matrices of index $2$
- Advances in matrix manifold optimization
Zehua LaiPotential speakers
- Di How, A low-rank augmented Lagrangian method for doubly nonnegative relaxations of mixed-binary quadratic programs
- Xiang Lu, Special orthogonal, special unitary, and symplectic groups as products of Grassmannians
- Anthony Man-Cho So, Randomized Riemannian submanifold subgradient method for optimization over Stiefel manifold
- Chun-Hao Yang, Nested Grassmannians for dimensionality reduction with applications
- Norms of matrices, numerical range, applications of functional analysis to matrix theory
Ryan O'Loughlin, Jani Virtanen, Ilya SpitkovskyPotential speakers
- Catalin Badea, TBA
- Ryan O'Loughlin, TBA
- Jani A. Virtanen, TBA
- Nikos Chalmoukis, TBA
- Panayiotis J. Psarrakos, TBA
- Carlo Bellavita, TBA
- Ilya Spitkovsky, TBA
- Combinatorics, association scheme, and graphs
Wei-Hsuan YuPotential speakers
- Yeh-Chi Lin, TBA
- Chia-An Liu, TBA
- Akihiro Munemasa, TBA
- Sho Suda, Tight 3-designs and s-distance set (2s-1)designs in Hamming schemes $H(n,q)$
- Pin-Chieh Tseng, TBA
- Preserver Problems, II
Ngai-Ching Wong, Sushil SinglaPotential speakers
- Jan Hamhalter, Symmetries of positive cones in operator algebra structures
- Daisuke Hirota, Tingley's problem concerning the direct sum of extremely $C$-regular subspaces with the $\ell^p$-norm
- Bojan Kuzma, On bijections which strongly preserve Birkhoff-James orthogonality on finite-dimensional $C^*$-algebras
- Izuho Matsuzaki, Phase isometries on continuous function spaces
- Lucijan Plevnik, TBA
- Sushil Singla, Linear maps preserving product of involutions
- Titkos Tamás, Isometries of Lipschitz free Banach spaces
- Ming-Cheng Tsai, Some preserving problems on the sets of non-negative matrices
- Ya-Shu Wang, Linear maps preserving disjoint idempotents
- Ngai-Ching Wong, Tingley's problems for positive spheres of operator algebras
Call for proposals
The ILAS2025 conference welcomes all topics related to linear algebra. Each mini-symposium will feature between 4 to 12 speakers, and each talk has 25 minutes, including the questions and discussion. If you are interested in organizing a mini-symposium at ILAS2025, please use the proposal template (tex pdf) to create your proposal and submit it through the form.
The deadline for submitting your proposal is December 31.
Please note that the conference does not provide travel support for mini-symposium organizers and speakers, and the registration fee is required.